June 5, 2024
What you water grows
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The NHBA issues a friendly challenge to our fellow New England state organizations to match or beat our donation to Project Apis M! In addition we are asking our local clubs to consider donating as well!

We want to recognise our former Research Chair, Heather Achilles, for initiating our charitable donations to PAM and setting the precedent for the rest of the region. Thank you Heather for your insight and guidance.

Benefits of Support

PAm has always had a robust collection of beekeeper resources. In July, we are launching a dedicated portal with resources for organizations that support annually.

Here youโ€™ll find pre-recorded research talks packaged for use at meetings or as a resource to share with members, Quarterly Articles for use in club newsletters, and a robust photo library. Tell us what resources youโ€™d find helpful! Weโ€™ll add more.

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